MDE Reimbursement and Supplemental Salary Information
(Link above takes you to MDE’s website)
Important – If you have ANY questions after viewing the following information about the National Board reimbursement policy or procedure or about how to get your National Board $6000 stipend, only MDE can answer those questions. You may contact the MDE Teacher Center at (601) 359-3631.
Newly Certified NBCTs
(1) Submit paperwork (proof of certification) to your central office. Initially, this will be your notification letter, which is acceptable (see link below and note what is highlighted in red.). Once you receive your office National Board certificate, take a copy to your central office. This will enable your school district to start your stipend.

Occasionally, school districts mistakenly think an NBCT has to have their certificate to receive their stipend. This is not the case. Provide this letter from MDE to School District Business Managers if needed. It includes the passage above. This information must be submitted to the school districts by February 15 to receive your prorated supplement.
Memo Letter from MDE Concerning the start of NBCT Stipend, Right-click the letter below, save as, print, and submit it to your Central Office.
(2) Send a copy of your certificate, once you receive it, to MDE to have it included on your license. This will also renew your license if your window is open.
(3) Apply for reimbursement from MDE for any components you have not already been reimbursed.
National Board Candidates
(1) Apply for reimbursement from MDE for any components you have completed as soon as you receive a score report.
(2) Once you complete the process, whether you certify or not, you can submit paperwork to renew your license, provided your window is open.
Complete and Submit the Form below for Reimbursement & Stipend Request for Funds Form – This includes the form teachers must complete and turn into their central office as well as the instructions on how to be reimbursed for completing the National Board Process and for newly certified NBCTs to get their $6000 stipend started.
Teaching License Renewal
Completing the National Board process will also renew your teaching license whether you certify or not provided your renewal window is open. To accomplish this, visit the Mississippi of Education’s licensure site and follow the procedures to renew your license.
Who can earn the $6000 stipend?

- $6,000 salary supplement is also available under the 2004 legislation for a National Certified School Counselor, Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Certificate of Clinical Competence for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists – Process Cost Reimbursement $500 only, National Certified School Nurse, Certified Academic Language Therapist (certification from the Academic Language Therapy Association) and Process Cost Reimbursement ($500). This information is located under the Policy and Procedures link. Please, note these areas are certifications other than the National Board. Completion of such a certification does not award National Board Certified Teacher title. For additional information, please, contact MDE.
- There are TWO paths for a counselor to become certified. Either path leads to the same $6000 a year stipend. Our path is the National Board Certification process. The other path is the successful completion of the NCSC exam– National Certified School Counselor issued by the National Counselor’s Association. Please, contact MDE for additional information.
- For additional information about alternate National Board certification routes for the areas listed above, please, visit the MDE website link, Alternate National Board Certification Pay Areas.
- Policy and Procedures – Information on salary supplement and process cost reimbursement. (All NBCTs and National Board candidates should read this.)
- Notes on Documentation – Required documentation for those that complete NB certification or are receiving the $6,000 annual bonus.