World Class Teaching Program

The University of Mississippi

Below you will find items aligned to the Component 1 test schematic. This should not be considered a complete list of study materials.

Exercise Science (Standard II)
-Major muscle groups and functions
-Biomechanics principles
-Effects of physical activity on the human body, and exercise heart rate and
recovery heart rate

Motor Development, Motor Learning, and Movement Forms in Context (Standard II)
-Progression from beginning to mature motor patterns, including fine and
gross motor skills
-Developmentally appropriate movements and progressions
-Critical elements that promote skill acquisition
-Developmentally appropriate scope and sequence of movement forms

Physical Activity and Wellness; Legal and Safety Issues
(Standards II, IV)

– Health and skill-related components of physical activity
– FITT Principle guidelines and principles of exercise
– Basic nutrition principles and guidelines
– Comprehensive fitness, including hypo kinetic conditions and the affect of
behavior choices on personal well-being
– Legal and safety issues, including applicable laws and initiatives related to
the successful participation of all students, including students with